Sunday, September 04, 2005

Talk to Me!

Welcome to Soto Designs!

It's been a wonderful summer. I've been associated with the Oxnard Film Festival, and am going to be teaching a seminar at Oxnard College in special effects makeup artistry for high school students.

I just added this weblog page, although I can't say how often I'll be updating it, I'd love to hear your feedback and comments on the site and my work.

Leave them below!


Anonymous michaelm said...

HEY Carl!

Your site looks GREAT. I'm looking foward to the Dia de los Muertos this year, I hope I get to check out the Film Festival too! Thanks for the links.


9:43 PM  
Anonymous AuntBedelia said...

This is an incredible site, Carl. You are a very talented guy and I know you are destined for greatness.


6:43 PM  
Blogger bernie said...

excellent work!!!!you have obviously been very very busy.... well wish ya all da best in everything ya do carl...... ya welsh friend Bernie x

5:21 PM  
Blogger MuteJon said...

Yo Carl,

Thank you for coming to our tv class in Oxnard college. I learned lot of neat things! You have talent mind of artist for that! I am looking forward to learn more of ur stuffs in future!


11:38 PM  
Anonymous PS EFFECTS said...

Hi Carl,

This is a great site. We have bookmarked it, so we can keep up with your projects! Wow Angelique looks great, when did she grow up, so much? Second generation Effects artist!?

Paul & Cherie`

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

papa you have a great site. even though you went through a lot to get it done it is incredible.
louie xox

3:14 PM  
Anonymous anjelique said...

your website looks cooler and your myspace looks great too. you are the coolest dad ever, but i wish i can share my experiences with someone else so other can learn how cool my dad is too.

6:34 PM  

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