Sunday, June 29, 2008


It is the year hasn't 2007 gone by so fast. You know some people don't appreciate life which means they aren't really observant about what goes on everyday. I know everyone has done that because I know I have. The year is half ways over and so much has happened. My business Soto Designs has tooken off! It feels like I'm getting business everyday. Not only that I'm getting asked to do these outrageous projects. For instance, my daughter's school asked me to silkscreen shirts for a renaissance assembly they have every quarter. The school wanted me to print about 63 shirts! I made a movie called Reptasaur that's going to be on the Scifi channel.I hand out my business cards to anyone I can and if you ask my daughter she'll say we can't go anywhere without somebody knowing me or me knowing someone.Everyday I meet new people...someday I hope to meet those on the highest level of the stars.However when I'm not working, I'm an after school art teacher for the STAR program, I help my eldest daughter with her projects and work on my own artwork. Recently, I have helped my daughter with 2 display boards: one for science fair and another for a college fair. So you see many events happen within a little amount time and sometimes you think you can remember everything but a decade from now do you think you're going to be able to remember what you got for your birthday or what happened during that one cruise to that island. Cherish the day and take in the sweet scent of life because you never know one day you could wake up and it could all be gone.


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