Saturday, October 22, 2005

Hot Rods, Monsters and Rock A Billy Music

The 3rd Annual Primer Nationals an event that brings Art Kulture up to Modern day.In the 60s and 70s they had events like this often takes me back to wait a sec, I wasn't even born till the 70s!.
There was a large turn out for the show wonderful music excellent hotrods and some pretty cool pinstriping booths.The photo shows one of my daughters (Dominique)standing next to one of the lowest lowriders I've ever seen.I enjoyed the Kustom rods just kept telling myself "One of these days!"

Friday, October 21, 2005

I See The Window And I Want To Paint It Black

Well not entirely black!!!
Posting some pictures of windows I painted for a business. And since it is close to Halloween I wanted to add them to the blog. For more different holiday windows check out the gallery page. Soto designs is often called in to paint Murals Windows and advertisements for business and homes.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I made a movie awhile back bout local Vampire lore of Ventura with the title of Into Darkness Starring (Mark Soto my brother) as Edward Ortega and (Rich Costello) as Orlock it will be aired on the local channel 15 OCTV. Check this blog for times and dates or if you would like a copy send me a Email .
This project is soon to be a Comic

There's Something Else... The Afterlife

Went to see the Corpse Bride couple days ago. It was a excellent movie, a bit different than the Nightmare Before Christmas. And you can tell where Burton got away with some of the non G rated stuff from Disney. It looked great! A must see to all stop motion, gothic, artsy types out there . I woulda hated to see this on a small screen. On the Soto scale I would say this was a full price family movie. Check it out!!!

I also spent some time with my daughter Anjel for our usual haunts of LA places. We checked out Dark Delicacies Clive Barker seems to be having a signing this weekend October 22 for his new book. Another place we went to was Cinema Secrets a very cool place with supplies, some are expensive but a good place to look around. OJ Simpson was said to have bought a beard there before the murders.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I See Muertos

Almost time for Dia de los Muertos. i was asked to do a painting for a Dia De Los Muertos show for a gallery by the name of Cactus in Eagle Rock. I call this painting Mi Familia, it represents my family and the day me and my wife were married on November 2,2003 the day of the dead. It shows us all my wife Tami,Anjelique, Destini, Dominique, our two cats one fish and two hermit crabs. Hey guys my life is art!!
the show is on the 30th
the museum address is:
4534 Eagle Rock Blvd.
Eagle Rock, CA 90041
PHONE: 323.256.6117

Back to college

last week I taught a 3 hour class at the octv . My old college class the students were great .The victom er student in the chair is Byron Hangey. We also had a few deaf students in class and I was stoaked to have them there. I had a translator to interpret what I was explaining to the class. And some of the signs were wild that I would watch the translator sign them like "boogers" very interesting!!! I taught the basics blood , burnt skin, and bruises and a air squib gun shot to finish. I also mentioned to the students that I was the guy who painted the logo on the door bout 4 yrs ago when I was doing master control .All a student kept saying was "your the guy who painted the door"?? Excited!It was great to teach such a excited bunch of students.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Fall my favorite time of year when things die

Well it looks like its that time of year... Fall when things die and allergies attack me AAH CHOO! My favorite Holidays Halloween and Dia de los Muertos are around the corner and i'm pretty excited. 27 days till Halloween can't wait!!!
I just finished wrapping on a Brooks student project with Director Lauren Roberts. She just directed her project "Whatever Lola Wants". Soto Designs was called for a bit of movie magic and set painting. The crew was very professional and it was all around a great shoot.

Film Fest wrap and Youth Day

<Oxnard Independent Film fest has come and gone. Many movies premiered at the OIFF this year . One of my favorites The Garth Method brought by director Greg Pakis. He showed up all the way from Australia to present his exciting flick. We also showed him how to party 805 style. SHESH! He plays a mean game of pool for a guy from Down Under! For more info on his movie check out!
I aslo taught Fx classes for teens and an article was published in mi Estrella. With a picture of Mi Estrella (Anjelique) and our friend Jeb Mcguire both sporting a bit of fx damaged skin. I should be teaching more of these classes in the upcoming weeks.

Monster Mash @ Koos

I was asked to do a painting for the Monster Mash art show in Long Beach.For more info check