Friday, February 24, 2006

R.I.P AL Lewis Apr 30 1923- Feb.03 2006

Rest in peace Al Lewis Aka Granpa you lived a long good life, and we will remember you always . For the only munster I actually got to meet Thank you!! Lewis died on Friday, February 3, 2006 in New York City . His wife was by his side. For more on AL Lewis see

Friday, February 17, 2006

Psycoanimism is on My Space!!

My Bloody Valentines!!!

OK!Ok! I know It was a bad movie. But to some a cult favorite. Happy Belated!!! Not much going on the home front . Just trying to take care of things to pay some bills . Mabye I can sell a kid? lol...... well I said I was gonna post some Halloween pictures and havent , Figured id throw one in this post for your eyes. .. check it out !! Me and a good friend Bridgett... Im the one with his toungue sticking out . If you havent guessed!!!..... ROCK ON!!