Saturday, January 14, 2006

A Proud Pappa!!!!

My Daughter Anjelique became a finialist for PTA Contest for a poem she wrote.She was chosen from 600 sixth graders.Guess for me not being a wordy person my daughter got the words to say it!WAY TO GO LOUIE!!!

I Wonder Why ...
I wonder why witches don’t live in forests and make potions.
I wonder why wizards don’t try to help the world and destroy crime.
I wonder why girls don’t get their dream to ride on a unicorn through the forest.
I wonder why dragons don’t fly through the sky and knights slay them.
I wonder why instead of castles, with drawbridges and moats we live in houses with doors and flowerbeds.
I wonder why instead of kings and queens we have presidents and first ladies.

I wonder why instead of knights we have policeman.
I wonder why instead of swords, shields and horses we have guns, bulletproof vests and tanks to go to war with.
I wonder why instead of peace we are going out to war.
This is now, not then and we are California.
Some people call us the country of freedom and others call us a bad country, but I don’t care because California is my home.