Sunday, June 29, 2008


It is the year hasn't 2007 gone by so fast. You know some people don't appreciate life which means they aren't really observant about what goes on everyday. I know everyone has done that because I know I have. The year is half ways over and so much has happened. My business Soto Designs has tooken off! It feels like I'm getting business everyday. Not only that I'm getting asked to do these outrageous projects. For instance, my daughter's school asked me to silkscreen shirts for a renaissance assembly they have every quarter. The school wanted me to print about 63 shirts! I made a movie called Reptasaur that's going to be on the Scifi channel.I hand out my business cards to anyone I can and if you ask my daughter she'll say we can't go anywhere without somebody knowing me or me knowing someone.Everyday I meet new people...someday I hope to meet those on the highest level of the stars.However when I'm not working, I'm an after school art teacher for the STAR program, I help my eldest daughter with her projects and work on my own artwork. Recently, I have helped my daughter with 2 display boards: one for science fair and another for a college fair. So you see many events happen within a little amount time and sometimes you think you can remember everything but a decade from now do you think you're going to be able to remember what you got for your birthday or what happened during that one cruise to that island. Cherish the day and take in the sweet scent of life because you never know one day you could wake up and it could all be gone.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


WoW!I just posted my toast from last year. Last year, lots of good things have happened to me. I became an art teacher which I didn't think I could do, I was at alot of grade schools like Marina West, Driffil, Elm, Chavez and others . Wandering through those schools gave me flashbacks of the past of me going to grade school . Also I went to one of my Ala Mater Junior High School Haydock to teach. GEEZ! Have things changed Alot!!This semester I will be teaching Airbrush to students of 2 junior highs which im very proud of.

Im also working on a movie for the sci fi channel for director Chris Rey of Howling moon productions. Which Im doing Fx work and makeup on.

And helping with production, acting and doing Fx work for a indie movie called "Closing Time"

My family is doing good ,lots of time for my babes

My toast is a personal Toast this year and for everyone who needs to believe in themself
Quoted by Audre Lord

" When I dare to be powerful,to use my strength in the service of my vision,then it becomes less important wether I am afraid."


Monday, July 23, 2007

Info on the New Site and the man that inspired my airbrushing

Hello things are still being worked on here . Cant wait till the new site goes up!!!
Figured id give some info on things.
My cousin Anthony aka "wurd junky" is updating things he has a nifty site up , with some cool movies, So here is his site

ALSO Check out my friend TRAMP airbrush work. This guy is the person who inspired me to get into airbrush art many yrs ago.Hes been doing airbrush20+ yrs Not only is his work incredable in pictures its awesome in person . He hides subliminals within the art kinda like a Salavador Dali like work. im working with him on possibly getting prints and Tshirts done . So check him out!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


NO! The grimlins havent taken over Soto Designs, were just updating things here. Hopefully with a new merchandise page , new photos and new stuff going on. So please be patient. But if your lookin to see the latest on whats up with me check out
Dont send those dudes with the white coats ive already talked to them!!!

Friday, January 26, 2007


">Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Stop by my Howling Moon Productions Website
This is a Short Film I did the effects on!!!!!

Time of my Life Trailer
Add to My Profile | More Videos

Thursday, January 11, 2007


For all the Quittance we forgot. So here we are in 007 a new year aren't we glad last year was over with. For those of you wondering I had the last of my stitches removed the other day from my eye . Things are still blurry but I rather it be blurry than have lost my eye. And enough of those pirate jokes!!

Last year was quite interesting , I seen loved ones die , friends come in and out of my life and knowledge of people who realy care for me and my family. And learn a little more of my mortality and who I am. My projects are still a challenge and will always be for me. My wish for the following year is to spend more time with my family . Let go my past, Don't look to far in the future and attempt to find where I am in the preasant.

If I were to make a toast for the following year would be: Quoted from Mark Twain:

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than then by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Take care and Happy New Year

Lots luv,


Saturday, December 09, 2006